We have jumped into leading a link group at our apartment
on Wed. nights and we are absolutely loving it. Our group is fantastic and so far, we have had a lot of great discussions and are learning and growing together.
Ben is getting more into his music these days...he's written some new songs and plans on doing some recording in the next few months. We're excited about that little adventure. :)
I am teaching a life skills class at a high school and most days I really like my job! I have a pretty good group of students and fabulous assistant and every day we get to go to different work sites where the kids learn different skills so that one day they might be able to get a job and be somewhat independent. It's challenging and fun and fits me well. :)
So that is my somewhat brief and general update on what's going on with us. I am not even really sure that anyone reads this anymore since I haven't been keeping up with it! Hopefully I will no longer be a blogging slacker!
Us in Sebring this past February
Ben on our balcony
This is how we ate our meals before
we got a table!
Us at a Super Bowl party!