Monday, September 20, 2010

Weekend Fun

Ben and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary this past weekend and we had a blast! The night of our actual anniversary, I surprised him with an at home "formal" dinner while a friend watched Adriel. Saturday, we took off to stay the night right outside of DC and got to take Adriel to the DC Zoo. It was a beautiful day and we had fun showing her the animals and taking her on the metro for the first time. I'm pretty sure, however, that she was more interested in the crowds of people and kids than in the animals....but at least it was free and the weather was gorgeous! (we are loving the beginnings of Fall!) During the next few weeks, we will be packing up our apartment and getting ready for our move! *insert exhausted sigh here*

Coming after the camera

I guess she was really interested in socks...she's been barefoot all summer!


Into everything!

She really loves this computer....

Exercising with Daddy!

Happy Anniversary to us! :)

Ben and Adriel watching an elephant

The girls!

Tuckered out on the metro

"Hmmmmm....what should I order?"

Attempting a family photo.....

My little love!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Our recent life....

Ben has jumped into his new job at RVR with both feet and is loving it! He gets to do such a wide variety of things which is just perfect for his personality! I am staying at home with Adriel and loving every moment...especially since she seems to change so much day by day! Her newest accomplishment is pulling herself up which she attempts to do on everything now! I think we'll have an early walker on our hands.... :( I'm not ready for this! We are really enjoying the cooler weather and are taking lots of walks and spending as much time outdoors as possible! Our 5 year anniversary is this weekend so we are looking forward to celebrating that. We love being married and we love being a family! We are indeed blessed.

Loves brushing her teeth!

Maybe we should get her her own toothbrush! Ben keeps giving her mine...

"What Mom? Am I in trouble?"

Loves the computer!

Practicing her standing abilities...

Not quite tall enough...

Tuckered out

"Look at me!"

Having fun with Daddy

She adores him!