Thursday, October 14, 2010


In case you were wondering, moving with an active 8 month old isn't exactly fun. :/ We are officially out of our apartment and into the home of a very gracious couple from our church while we wait for the house at RVR to be ready. We're not sure of a time frame yet, but we're hoping within the next couple of months we will be in our new home! Moving was exhausting, especially since we had to paint our apartment back to white. (ugh) But we are finally settled and Adriel has adjusted well. Ben continues to love his job, though it's a super busy season for him right now. Luckily, Adriel and I are able to tag along on some of the days he's working and spend some time with him. There are lots of fabulous families at the ranch that let us hang out and grab nap times in their homes while we are out there. We can hardly wait to live there full time! Pray that it happens soon!

Wagon ride with her favorite friend Ava!

Can anyone tell me what color my eyes are?!?!

"I wanna play outside!"

Entertaining herself in the kitchen

Helping Mom do laundry

"This is way more fun!"

Making sure we don't forget her in the big move!

Relaxing with Daddy in her new (temporary) home
She gets a little distracted here, but she really is good at turning pages!