Sunday, May 15, 2011

Update - long overdue...

Well, it has been awhile....but not without reason! We are finally in our beautiful home at River Valley Ranch (and LOVING it) but we don't have internet and the times that I get to even check my email are few and far between! Right now I'm perched on a cabin porch watching Ben and Adriel play in the creek :) Our little munchkin is quite the outdoors girl and lives to run barefoot through the grass and put her feet in the creek. Luckily we live in a place that is perfect for doing just that! We love life at the ranch and Ben continues to enjoy his job immensely. We are indeed blessed. Here are some pics of our recent adventures....

Summer is coming.....

Dancing with Daddy at a wedding....

Mama's turn.....

The girl just loves to dance!

Petting horses is one of her favorites!

Lunch with a view!

Hugs from Uncle Doug

Our new home!

Adriel's new favorite activity

Playing on our deck

Daddy's girl!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Adriel's First Birthday

Opening presents!

She was super excited about this one...

Elmo is her favorite!

A big girl fork and spoon!

She is a pro at anything that has to do with eating....

Daddy helping her open presents

Someone told her to put the bow on her head

Giving kisses!

She has no idea what's going on....

Figuring it out...

First bite!

We think she liked it...

"Say Ahhhhhhh"

One of our many snowstorms

Ben using the snowblower (and loving it!)'d never know he was a Florida boy


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Winter Wonderland

New Year's Eve Date Night!

Adriel trying on Mommy's hats

Our little Diva

The girls

Chilaxin in her jammies

First time sledding!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

House update...

Well, we are still not in our house, but it looks like it should only be a couple more weeks now! We are so ready to be living at RVR! Ben is LOVING his job there and we'll get to see a whole lot more of him once we're all living out there. Here is the most recent pic we have of the house!